Tithes, Offering, and Giving
Our Church practices what the Bible calls tithes and offerings. In the Old Testament tithe and offering are a way we recognize that all that we have is a gift from God. And because everything is a gift, we practice giving back.
The Old Testament talks about giving 10% back to the people of God. It was the beginning of what God was trying to teach his people. In the book of Acts, the new followers of Jesus are described as “And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.” This is the heart of what God is calling us to.
Growing our Community
Our church community functions 100% from generous donors like you. From funding our ministries to making sure the lights stay on is all graciously given. If you want to join our team of givers click this link and donate to our “Local Church Budget”. If you’d like to talk about large gifts or specific giving projects please contact our main office at office@denversouthsda.org
Tithes and Offerings
To give tithes and offering click here. Check out the instructions and information below as you consider how you will give. We appreciate you giving out of abundance and joy in your heart.
Information about our Partnerships
Ways to Give
Tithe goes to our community of churches in Denver and around the world to help spread the Gospel.
Local Church Budget helps Denver South take care of our community and our local ministries.
Conference giving goes to the churches in the Rocky Mountain Conference (Colorado and Wyoming).
Union giving goes to churches and ministry focused in the Midwest.
World giving goes to our General Conference to distribute to ministries world-wide.
Visit the Adventist Giving website.
Download the Adventist Giving App on your smart device.
Giving in-person or you can mail them to Denver South Seventh-day Adventist Church.
2675 S. Downing St., Denver, CO, 80210