Devotion Resources

The Secret Place

There is an idea out there we like to call the secret place. It’s the place the Old Testament talks about when you run to God and he is your place of refuge. Jesus practiced this by going off to be by himself and with his father. We see it clearest hours before the crucifixion when Jesus goes to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. It’s the place you run to for strength to carry on, to thrive, to find joy and peace, to be reminded of who you are, and to be reminded of who God is.

The most classic forms of being in the secret place are reading scripture and taking time to talk and listen to God. And while there is no one right way to practice being with God in the secret place there are many ways that we have found helpful that we’d like to pass along. So check out the resources and may the God of peace and love bless you and dwell with you forever.


Love Reality

A Christian movement sharing the gospel of Jesus and emboldening others to do the same. Good for people just beginning their journey to those who have been walking with Jesus for years.

The Move

with Justin and Jonathan

If you’ve ever felt that you want to study the Bible but want someone to walk alongside you then this is a great option for you. Justin and Jonathan went through the book of Romans as they started out and now have moved on to the book of John. And the best part is that each section is only 10 minutes long. So follow along as they go through the Bible, ask questions, and share their perspective.

Here is the first video to see what it’s all about.

The Chosen

The life of Christ has been the greatest story that the world has heard. It transformed a small group of believers into a worldwide movement and it still carries that power today! The creators of The Chosen have attempted to tell of Jesus in a new and impactful way in a way that has never been done before, an online series. This is a new way to experience the story we have come to know. And because of the unique form it feels refreshing and new. You can watch The Chosen on any digital medium for FREE! Free free free. It is available on Android, Apple, Google, Roku, and any other way you can think. Check out the website by clicking on “The Chosen” above for more information.

Street Lights

The unfolding of your word gives light

If you are looking for a different way to consume Scripture check out StreetLights. This ministry has found a clever way to enhance the way we hear scripture. But that is just the beginning. There are other resources and content on their web page and app. Download the app and check out if this is something that is helpful for you.