The Greater Summit is all about connecting: with God and with each other. The retreat provides an opportunity for youth in New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming to connect with each other while nurturing an active spiritual life through Bible-study and prayer.
The Greater Summit is formerly known as Teen Prayer Summit. We are changing our name to connect more deeply with our Vision for the Youth Department to “Live Greater.” We are in no means diminishing the importance of prayer, and will be incorporating it in more than ever in our future events.
Each year, our team will be producing two Greater Summits, one for Middle School and one for High School. In the past, we have combined both middle and high school together for one event. Due to the increased attendance and to better serve and connect with each age group, we will begin hosting two conferences starting in 2020. Both conferences will focus on the them for the given year. We will be bringing in speakers who are passionate about connecting with the age group they will be talking to and our team will continue to create age appropriate curriculum for our Engage (discussion time).
The Greater Summit is designed to emphasize the development of your personal identity and purpose — rooted and grounded in Jesus, with a basis in prayer and a message that moves in the spirit of confidence. Over the course of the weekend, we will pray together, explore the scripture together, recharge together, and have fun together. Our hope is that your experience at The Greater Summit will inspire confidence, encourage learning, and establish or re-establish your connection with Jesus Christ. Experiencing Jesus together and at Home with Him, you will find the freedom and courage to live life to the fullest!
Beginning January 2020, we will be diving into our theme, Fully Alive, based on the call of Jesus in John 10:10 to live a life more abundantly!
Stay tuned for more information regarding our upcoming theme!
To learn more check out the the RMC Youth website here.